
From left to right: (Michael Massiah, Gilberto Simmons, Danny Marra, Jason Ruiz, Katie Marra, Adrian Cardenas)

The Breaks Inc. are a 6-piece rock band from Queens, New York, and after four years of writing and two years of recording, the band released their debut album titled ‘Hotel Earth’ in November of this year. 

“Hotel Earth”  contains nine songs with a total runtime of 42 minutes, which we’ve heard makes it a “real record.” It is a concept album full of dread, longing, and isolationism. The opening track, “2055,” paints a dystopian future set against the sound of cascading violin runs and loud pounding electric guitars. In the fourth track “Eleanor,” a mellow organ bellows beneath a sad but pretty melody that flows from one instrument to the next. Later, tracks “Station IX” and “Blue” give us a glimpse into the protagonist’s state of mind, ultimately leading to the climax just before the ending track “Floating in the Sea” weaves together a fabric of beautifully fingerpicked acoustics. It is truly an artful masterwork these young lads have crafted, and their talents as musicians and songwriters are exemplified in each of the parts they play. Every note is intentional, every lyric has meaning. It is the perfect album to listen to on a cold October night, when the stars make themselves known and you get to thinking about the errors and wants of your life. And, from the view on stage, looking out to the crowd, it is clear that people are resonating with its message.

Comprised of six members, The Breaks Inc. have spent the past two years playing live shows in Manhattan venues on the weekends. The songs are bombastic, energetic, poignant, eclectic, loud, and beautiful. Tight indie hooks, a nostalgic mid-90s alternative sound, and memorable lyrics coupled with a touch of British pop sensibilities make this band a fan favorite. Once the applause dies down, people standing around you can be heard yelling over the excitement, “THEY wrote that?!” 

Their fanbase is devoted — the crowds return for every gig but this time they bring friends. There is some palpable sense among the fans that The Breaks Inc. should be much bigger than they are, and unless you’re in on the backstory, it would be difficult to understand why they aren’t more well known. After years of “just wait and see,” the band is finally ready to step into the big leagues, and have already begun making moves which will find them playing bigger and better shows for bigger and better crowds. As all the people who have been to their live shows can tell you, there is one thing that stands paramount: You have to see these guys in action.